I am a Jamaican
teacher, skeptical, gifted and proud. When I arrived in the Madison for the
first time it was a culture shock, especially in my kids elementary schools. The
differences were palpable, like summer and winter. In Jamaica, all school age students wear uniforms. The government (the Ministry
of Education) owns all the primary schools. These schools comprise grades 1 to
6. There are no free public school buses. Students take taxis that are usually
packed like cans of sardines, or buses that are usually over flowing with
students. Private buses are available, but only for those who can
afford them.
In one of the
schools where I taught, Halfway Tree Primary, we tried to restore some modicum
of order to the madness by using first bell and second bells. At first bell everybody
freezes, thinks about where he or she wants to go, then turns in that direction
and prepares to start moving. When second bell rings, students walk quietly to their
classes, get in line, and then walk together back to the quadrangle to take
their places.
Jamaicans are
predominantly Christian (especially on Sundays) with a few variations. Those
few who are of different religions are exempt from devotion but they are
expected to sit quietly and read a book during that period. Each class is
expected to lead devotion at least twice per year. The class practices bible
passages, praise dances and elaborate skits for weeks in advance, each class
trying to outdo the rest in their 15-20 minutes of fame.
The national
anthem is sung after devotion every morning. Every child has to stand at
attention, like a sentinel on guard, and sing in their best voice. Teachers
listen keenly to ensure that you know all of the words. God forbid you should move,
talk or laugh during prayers or during the national anthem – that’s a free
ticket to detention hall. Did I say free? Some might consider that ticket a
costly one.
From Vaughn McCubbin's Jamaica Photo Project |
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